
The Pregnancy Help Center opened its doors in July 1986, It was founded by a group of concerned citizens in the Fort Worth community who saw a need to provide information and counsel to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Today, the PHC ministers to the whole woman, her children and her family. Through our various programs, PHC endeavors to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the women in our community.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Valued treasures are different for each person, it might be an expensive piece of jewelry or a simple rock that was picked up by a child and put in a treasure box. But sometimes a treasure is something most of us take for granted - furniture.

Last week a single mother with two children, ages 9 and 3, came to our Center. She said they were eating, sitting and sleeping on the floor. Her meager income was a disability check. The mother was concerned about her children who were ashamed to let any of their friends see the empty apartment. One of our volunteers, who lives on a fixed income herself, promised to make some phone calls to local churches and people who might be able to help. After she received no response to her requests, she talked to her husband who agreed they could put together fifty dollars and check at local garage sales for suitable furniture. They found exactly what they were looking for but at a price well over the fifty dollars they had.
The volunteer went home and prayed for the mother and her family and was guided to return to the garage sale the following day. The furniture was still there and she talked to the owner, explaining why they were anxious to purchase the furniture for a family in need. The owner agreed to take fifty dollars for the wooden table and chairs, leather love seat, matching rocker, end table, lamps and a twin bed. The family also received a queen bed from another source.
The mother cried tears of joy and the volunteer was excited to know she was able to help.

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