
The Pregnancy Help Center opened its doors in July 1986, It was founded by a group of concerned citizens in the Fort Worth community who saw a need to provide information and counsel to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Today, the PHC ministers to the whole woman, her children and her family. Through our various programs, PHC endeavors to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the women in our community.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Wave from a Baby Who Was Given Life

A positive pregnancy test isn't always a joyous occasion.  Whether it's because of relationship problems, lack of finances, unsupportive parents or other seemingly endless obstacles, often an abortion seems to be an easy way out for the mother.
That was the case for a couple who had fallen on hard times, were struggling with their current family and didn't think they could feed another.
They went to a well known abortion clinic, paid money they had little of for both the test and a sonogram. Even though Texas law states that the mother be shown the sonogram picture, she didn't see it.
With heavy hearts the couple went home to wait the required 24 hours before the abortion could be performed, but on the morning of the scheduled procedure, the father turned to his wife and said he couldn't do it, she told him she had second thoughts too. Nothing had changed for this family except their desire to find a way to support their child. 
On the recommendation of a pro-life group outside the abortion clinic, they came to The Pregnancy Help Center where we have many resources to help them.
Our nurse did another sonogram and this time showed the picture to the couple. The baby clearly was happy with their decision and waved its hand.

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