
The Pregnancy Help Center opened its doors in July 1986, It was founded by a group of concerned citizens in the Fort Worth community who saw a need to provide information and counsel to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Today, the PHC ministers to the whole woman, her children and her family. Through our various programs, PHC endeavors to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the women in our community.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Plush Puppies for Children

We received an unexpected delivery just before Christmas - a box of plush puppies which were given out to our delighted clients for their children.

Started by a store manager, Sherry Parnell, from LifeWay Christian stores six years ago, it has grown into a ministry.  Ms. Parnell's infant grandson was hospitalized during Christmas and a year later she shared her desire to do something for children. With other store employees, they bought plush bears to hand out at Le Bonheir Children's Hospital in Memphis.

Now, across the nation, customers can purchase the "Jesus Loves Me Plush Dog" at Lifeway Christian Stores for $5. The puppies are then donated to local hospitals, Baptist Children's Homes and other groups for children in need.

Sherry Parnell says "There are so many needs and so many people who have never heard the gospel and if you get a chance to plant a seed, then why not?"

Our Center is grateful for the donations that gave many of the children who came through the Pregnancy Help Center this Christmas a little reminder that Jesus Loves Them.

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