by Adam Cassandra | Washington, DC |
In late January, a friend and supporter of HLI America was asked by pro-life leaders in New York State to write a letter that would accompany a replica of a 10-12 week old baby in the womb. With the goal of encouraging state legislators to recognize the humanity of such tiny human beings, this replica and letter was to be sent to all the members of the New York State Assembly and Senate. Life News
Letter From 12-Week-Old Unborn Baby: Please Don’t Abort Me
Dear Member of the NY State Senate or Assembly:
I am not a blob of tissue to be disposed of. When I became a zygote at fertilization, I was already composed of 39,000 genes made up of 3.2 billion base pair sequences. Hard to believe, I know, but it’s scientifically true! These detailed directions for my development have been compared to the amount of information found in two hundred New York City phone books . . . If I live and grow to maturity, this growth will not involve a change in my identity or substance, only the development of what’s already there. . . I am not a “potential” child, but a real child. Take a good look at the image of me that you received. My mother cannot “choose” to have a child – she already has one!

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