Notes from
the Director
I wanted to
add an uplifting story to the newsletter, a positive outcome for a young woman
or a milestone we have crossed at the Center (and there have been many), but as
the Director of the Pregnancy Help Center, I feel it is my duty to know the
laws concerning abortion and to share those with you. Made possible by Carol
Everett of the Heidi Group, I was fortunate to attend a legislative update in
Austin last month.
In June we sent an urgent prayer alert
concerning the construction of the new Planned Parenthood facility in Fort
Worth. Why do I consider this an urgent prayer request? Let me explain.
At this time, in Fort Worth, a woman may obtain an
abortion from conception up to 16 weeks of pregnancy. If further along than 16
weeks she must go to an abortion clinic that has an ambulatory care unit. It is
my understanding that means there would be a doctor on call 24-7. Planned Parenthood
will be offering an ambulatory care unit in their new facility. They will be
doing procedures up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. I feel that many babies have been
saved from abortion in Fort Worth, due to the restrictions put on abortion
clinics up to this time. Another factor involved in this later term abortion
procedure is that the unborn babies feel pain after 20 weeks of pregnancy. I
know that most of you reading this newsletter hurt as much as I do at the
thought of a baby being aborted and the suffering of these precious unborn
babies is almost more than I can handle. To me, this is an urgent prayer
request concerning the expansion of Planned Parenthood’s abortion services in
Fort Worth. We invite you to join us in praying for our nation, our state, our
city and to put an end to the shedding of innocent blood of the unborn.
for Life
Polly Isinghood, Exec.
If you would like information
on the legislative update. Please make a request by contacting the Center by
email or by phone
817-560-2226 and I’d be glad to forward it to you.
Save the Date
The 2012
Pregnancy Help Center Banquet will be held at the new
Event Center
Benbrook Highway
Fort Worth, Texas 76116
Office: 817.984.6800
Fort Worth, Texas 76116
Office: 817.984.6800
October 16
7:00 – 9:00
We’re excited that Chet McDoniel has accepted our invitation to speak at the Pregnancy Help Center annual banquet.
You’ve only got to
look at that cheerful and smiling face to know that Chet is an amazing and
inspirational speaker.

made the decision that my life may
not be worth living... I obviously didn’t agree with that decision and even in the delivery room, I had
a fighting spirit that wouldn’t give in. As a Pro Life Speaker, I try to make
sure everyone knows the value of life!”
We are so thankful for
our volunteers! Pray for them as they minister to young women
who need help.
Monthly Stats
for 2012
Total Clients
Preg. Test
At Risk Pregnancy
Babies Born
At Risk Babies Born
Clients Given Supplies
Class Attendees
Ways to
keep up with Pregnancy Help Center news or to contact us:
Polly Isinghood, Director –
If you would prefer to receive newsletters by
e-mail, or need to notify us of a change of address, please contact Ann
Summerville at
New this year – a Pregnancy Help Center blog
where we will post spotlights on our volunteers, current news and events
Telephone – (817) 560-2226
Web Site:
Twitter: @PHCFortWorth
Facebook – Pregnancy Help Center
In a recent article,
Jeanne Monahan wrote about the emotional toll that women suffer resulting from
an abortion. Here at the Pregnancy Help Center, we give women who are
considering an abortion as much information as we have available, and having
held post abortion classes here for many years, we are well aware of the
downside of an uninformed decision. According to Ms. Monahan's article, a study
published by the British Journal of Psychiatry, showed a high percentage of
women who have had an abortion are at an increased risk for mental problems.
You can read Jeanne
Monahan's article on
Our gratitude goes out to partners of this
ministry that have helped in so many ways.
May God
bless all of you for helping us to plant seeds of righteousness.
We are grateful for the loyal
churches who have given faithfully each month for several years
In an effort to meet the needs of
the community, we want to hear from you:
What would make you want to be involved in the Pregnancy Help
What is the best way to get in touch with you? (E-Mail, Facebook, U.S.
If you are a volunteer, what is compelling you to help the Center?
What would you like to see new at the Center?
Please send responses to Ann at
Never Too Young to
Kaylee, like all eight year olds
was looking forward to her ninth birthday, but instead of gifts she wanted to
make a difference in the lives of others and requested items she could donate
to the Pregnancy Help Center. Kaylee and her sister Madisen (age 5), who also
wanted to participate, donated the gifts to our Center for distribution to the
precious babies. No one is too young to be a pro life advocate and we thank
Kaylee for both unselfishly passing on birthday gifts in order to help others
and for letting others know she cares about these babies.
you, Kaylee from all of us at the Pregnancy Help Center.
Alexander Tsiaras, while Chief of Scientific Visualization at
Yale, used new scanning tech-nologies to create images for use by NASA. He has
delved into visualizing images of many aspects of the human body and made his
from conception to birth images available on You Tube and our blog post Conception to Birth
Ink cartridges
Copy paper
Business Cards
File Folders
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Money for pregnancy
Supplies for sonograms
Hand Sanitizer
Hand and kitchen soap.
Diaper wipes
Diapers (all sizes)
New baby items (to give as gifts to a new mother)
New baby items (to give as gifts to a new mother)
How you can help:
The Pregnancy Help Center is a 501c(3) non-profit organization
Money donations can be made either by mail or in person.
For credit card donations please call
For credit card donations please call
(817) 560-2226
Pregnancy Help Center
7700-A Camp Bowie West
Fort Worth, TX 76116
7700-A Camp Bowie West
Fort Worth, TX 76116
We have many precious volunteers who are
dedicated and tireless in their ministry at the center. Asked what they most
enjoy about working at the Center brought many responses:
Waterman, Parenting Class teacher
the blessings bestowed on parents has been exciting for me. Hearing that a
parent has learned something new and has been able to apply the teachings of
Dr. James Dobson encourages both me and other parents.
Rainwater, RN
I love being
able to introduce moms and dads to their babies through sonograms and educate
them on how their baby grows throughout the pregnancy. I enjoy being able to
use my nursing degree and to minister to women and families at the same time.
Working at
the Center gives me a chance to witness to young single girls and give them my
testimony to encourage them to make better choices and to choose abstinence.
One hour classes are held at the Pregnancy Help Center. Call
(817) 560-2226 for more details.
Mondays starting at 6:00 p.m.
Parenting Classes:
Irresponsibility vs. Defiance
Why Your Child Needs Discipline
Angers vs. Action
Finding the Balance in Discipline
To Spank or Not to Spank
Compliant vs. Defiance
Changing Discipline as your Child Grows Part 1
Changing Discipline as your Child Grows Part 2
Protecting the Spirit
The Strong Willed Adolescent Child Part 1
The Strong Willed Adolescent Child Part 2
The Ultimate Priority
(This class is also available in Spanish)
mornings (once a month – call for schedule and to pre-register)
Money Matters
Baby Sign Language
10 week marriage class – Constructors of the Home
(in Spanish)
August 11 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
Economic Cost of Abortion
In 1998 Larry Burkett, an author on Christian
financial topics, examined the impact of abortion on the economics of the U.S.
Life News followed several years later with an article showing the following
· If only a third of those
aborted had started work on their 18th birthday, the demise of
Social Security would be put off for decades.
· Estimated loss in taxes
- $202 billion
· Estimated aborted babies
since 1973 – 56Million (the population of Texas and California combined)
· With the retirement of
baby boomers, state governments will face fiscal challenges which would have
been alleviated if those 56 Million were alive today.
mission of the Pregnancy Help Center is to minister to the whole woman by
providing for her physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It is our goal to offer her hope and
wholeness through the Truth of Christ that is shown in our ministry of giving
and support.
- Newsletter
layout by Ann Summerville
- Printing by DJ’s
Graphic Design
- Mailout
Processing by Bob and Sunni Fisher
- Web Page by
Scott Beatty
- Computer
Maintenance by Bill Suggs
- CPA: Sean Finlay
- Board Members:
Larry Randall, Kerry Lundelius, Stan Tillman, Allen Eyler, Dale
Stonecipher and Kieffer Vermillion
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