
The Pregnancy Help Center opened its doors in July 1986, It was founded by a group of concerned citizens in the Fort Worth community who saw a need to provide information and counsel to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Today, the PHC ministers to the whole woman, her children and her family. Through our various programs, PHC endeavors to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the women in our community.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pregnancy Help Centers

Pregnancy Help Centers Saved our Babies. This was the general consensus at the Moms to Congress 2012 event, and Jessica Gore, enticed by the free sonogram stopped by a Crisis Pregnancy Center before heading to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. She was surprised to see an image that wasn't that of "tissue" (that she had been led to believe), but a living baby with a heartbeat. She never made that trip to Planned Parenthood. Pregnancy Help Centers do not charge for pregnancy tests, or sonograms and help young mothers any way they can. The cost to taxpayers, unlike the new laws that may be in the pipeline, is zero.

You can read more on CBN here

One of the main messages from these moms is that this isn't just a question of philosophy about choice. It's about these babies.
They want their congressmen to look into the faces of these children and realize that this is what the abortion debate is really all about.

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