Polly Isinghood, the Pregnancy Help Center Director presented a film about a young lady who had been living on the street and became pregnant. As with many of the clients who come to the Center, there was a happy ending. A counselor introduced her to someone at the Gladney Center for Adoption where she was offered a place at their residence. Not only did they help her with her pregnancy, and to select adoptive parents for her child, but the Gladney Center also gave her the skills to find a job. The young woman was excited to sleep in a bed and have a bathroom of her own. Something most of us take for granted.

The guest speaker, Pam Tebow, spoke about her experience while living in the Philippines with her husband. They are both missionaries. During the pregnancy of her youngest son she contracted an illness that the doctor felt may have harmed the baby and recommended an abortion. She refused and despite the medical complications that could have resulted in a still birth, Tim Tebow was born. Tim grew up to become an American football quarterback.
Polly thanked the volunteers who keep the Center open and offer encouragement and support to the young ladies who come in, but each of us knows that we are the fortunate ones to be part of an organization with a Director who has a heart of gold.
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