
The Pregnancy Help Center opened its doors in July 1986, It was founded by a group of concerned citizens in the Fort Worth community who saw a need to provide information and counsel to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Today, the PHC ministers to the whole woman, her children and her family. Through our various programs, PHC endeavors to meet the physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the women in our community.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Volunteer Spotlight

When you first walk into the Fort Worth Pregnancy Help Center, Connie will probably be the first person to greet you with a warm smile. She has been volunteering at the center for five years and is now the Assistant Director. Born in Iowa and once a single mom, she wants to help others who might be struggling as she once was. With a 48 year marriage under her belt, she has three children and seven grandchildren, but still remembers how someone helped her through her difficult years as a single parent. Looking back over her time with clients during the past five years, Connie particularly remembers a young girl who cried when Connie offered to pray for both the client and her baby. "I expected judgement and ridicule," the tearful young woman said. "But instead I found someone who wants to pray for me."

After working for a large company, Connie is grateful that she works with people who will stop and pray with her over a difficult situation and join with her in praise when her God given gifts are used to bless others.

And when Connie sits with a young girl, she knows the heartache that can go along with an unplanned pregnancy. Connie's first child was adopted in 1963. Her story has a happy ending though as her son found her, and in 1999 they were reunited. 

Each volunteer has their own unique story and anyone who comes to the center will quickly learn that the volunteers will offer encouragement and help.

Thank you Connie for all you do.

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